Alcohol Cabinet

Published on 10 September 2022 12:00 AM
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Before I had a workshop in Malmö the only woodworking fix I could get was evening courses (in Swedish) from Andre at snickerikurs which was running out of a snikeri school at Tau Learning, it now runs from Andre's workshop in Ystad. I have I done some of his other courses where I made a simple stool (which is my bedside table)

Tau Learning
Room filled with industrial heavy machines

This was a more advanced project with a lot of firsts for me, I got to make my first door, first time unsing un-planed lumber, using a planer and thicknesser (rikt och planhyvel), and also use the Festool Domino to help make joins.

I didn't finish it in the time, so it sat in my apartment for a longtime before I actually applied a finish to it.


The core carcus is simply put together using the Festool Domino, the tool carves a hole into two pieces of wood and you put a loose tenon in the two holes, then glue and clamp; very easy and an incredibly clean result... as long as you mark and set it up correctly.

Festool Domino Promo Shot
Picture of a Festool Domino

The interesting point was creating the shaker style cagbinet door. The outer frame is dominos and a long grove is cut in the inside. The centre panel then has a matching long tenon that sits inside and a shadow line was added to accent it.

Creating the Door
A slightly exploded door image

Lessons Learnt

I was doing this evening course whilst incredibly stressed at work, so I made a lot of mistakes due to rushing, they are all small easily avoided mistakes.

The key cockup I made was that I forgot to reset the domino between the two types of holes, which meant I blew through the top, leaving a giant hole visible on the top. This actually led to me intentionally drilling holes in the top, and then cutting smaller pieces of oak to plug the holes, giving the impression of much more complex joinary, different colour of the end grain actually adds a beautiful accent to the piece, even if my chisel work was very slopy back then.

The Accent Hole
The 9 holes on the top were not intentional but now accental
The Totally Intentional Accent
End grain accents the top board, giving the impression of of a mortise and tenon


FinishDanish Oil
HardwareA Knob from The Door Knocker Company