Kitchen Cabinet

Published on 1 September 2022 12:00 AM
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This was created to meet an odd shaped corner in our smallish kitchen and created out of an ikea wardrobe someone was trying to get rid of. I classify this as a failure as I made a lot of cock-ups along the way


The design needed to fit with the style of the kitchen, so white melamine and a veneered oak. I wanted it to be installed onsite, so it was made by using the traditional Ikea style cabinet fastening (which can be bought from ikea's spares department). There needed to be drawers for spices that would lie horizontally, random refils hidden behind a door, breadbins and easily accessable things on the left. The very left edge needed to be shorter so that a window shelf would fit under the counter top to make the best use of space.

Kitchen Style
White and Oak Melamine installed cabinets


Looking back on this, it was a very easy build...

  • Cut a large ikea warddrobe down to the required dimensions
  • Mark and drill the holes for the dowels and fasteners
  • Add back
  • Add edge banding
  • Assemble on site
Items ready for transportation
Pieces of Melamine unassembed against the garage door

It wasn't that easy becasue I initially tried to use dadoes, which simply isn't required for Melamine.

Lessons Learnt

Simply bolt melamine units togehter and always make sure you double check which side you attach the hinges on the door with reclaimed wood. Also storing spices on their side isn't actually the best method, we've gone back to storing them upright.

I never got around to applying the edge banding...


WoodReclaimed Melamine (Oak and White vennered), Furu limfog for counter
FinishKöksbank olja, Light Brown Stain
HardwareRemnants of a wardrobe